Electrify Your Community Working Group Meeting
The Electrify Your Community working group meets fortnightly to develop plans for decarbonising our community.
Our Aim
To develop feasible and affordable strategies for the decarbonisation of the energy system serving the Electrify Bouddi Community
Our Objectives
To identify key strategies for decarbonisation, including increasing the availability of renewable energy supplies and storage capacity within the system, and the impacts of load shifting.
To analyse the technical potential of options individually and the costs and benefits of different combined approaches.
To determine the feasibility of key strategies by examining implementation issues such as relationships with the existing energy supply and retail industry, funding options, community acceptance, approval processes and timelines.
To work collaboratively to make the best use of available skills and experience, and share our learnings with the group and other members of Electrify Bouddi.
Key Strategies to include: