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1. Remove off peak or controlled load supply and use solar generated electricity to make hot water during the day.2. Install a timeclock or smart switch.
1. Install a timeclock or smart switch to ensure that you are using solar generated electricity to make hot water during the day.2. Consider installing a heat pump to replace your immersion heater.
1. See Path To Solar for guides on how to obtain quotes for you house.
2. Please Click Here To See Other Options Once You Have Solar Panels.
1. Consider an electric heat pump or solar thermal system.2. Consider purchasing solar power generated locally via a powershare agreement.
1. See Path To Solar for guides on how to obtain quotes for you house if you are interested in solar.2. Once you have solar panels you may (1. Remove off peak or controlled load supply and use solar generated electricity to make hot water during the day. 2. Install a timeclock or smart switch.)
Your main option for reducing running costs and cutting greenhouse gas emissions will involve minimising your use of hot water.See the tips below: